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A Fast, Well-Rounded, and Flexible Programme to Facilitate Your Professional Growth
When you are a working professional, taking up a new educational challenge may often seem like a sequential or even necessary next step for your career. Though, however clear it is for professionals that continued learning is the way to go, it is often "cumbersome" to fit a new educational...

Marianna Rousaki |Author
Marianna is the Content & Social Media Coordinator at Solvay Brussels School - Lifelong Learning.

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When you are a working professional, taking up a new educational challenge may often seem like a sequential or even necessary next step for your career. Though, however clear it is for professionals that continued learning is the way to go, it is often "cumbersome" to fit a new educational challenge in their already busy schedule – all while tending to their personal or family life.
The excitement of reaching new heights of professional growth ought to be facilitated by programmes that understand both the urgency of acquiring the desired knowledge and the fine time management it takes to embark on a lifelong-learning experience as a working individual.
At Solvay Lifelong Learning, we are always optimising – if not altogether constructing from the start – programmes that keep these important parameters in mind. Today we are zooming in our Accelerated Management Programme as told by our alumni testimonials, which, as the name suggests, it is a fast-track programme. Spread over just one course per month while inspiring a diverse set of competencies, it may just be the right fit for those of us who do not wish to sacrifice professional and personal activity for learning.
So let us hear it from our graduated participants!
Who are you, in a few words, and what inspired you to participate to the Accelerated Management Programme?
I could describe myself as a trustworthy team player who gets energised by helping others. I enjoy time with family, reading, traveling, music and I am truly passionate for learning. I am an international professional with 12+ years of HR and Change Management Advisory for diverse industries, driven to obtain tangible, sustainable and impactful results. I hold a masters in Social and Organisational Psychology.
A couple of years ago I was confronted with a feeling of being stagnant, I wasn’t happy anymore with what I was doing, I was not growing anymore. I needed a change. I knew that in order "to shift gears" and accelerate my potential I needed to invest, diversify and strengthen my skills. I was looking for a learning experience that would:
- ensure quick investment-return, particularly with the subjects I was less knowledgeable;
- be short and intensive at the same time;
- allow me to still meet my professional commitments;
- promoted networking, diversity at all levels and,
- boost my confidence to take my career to new heights.
And that’s when I found Solvay's Accelerated Management Programme, it was just the right fit! – Mariana Manso, AMP Class of 2022
My name is Filip Aerts, 50 years old and currently working for Brussels Airlines as a pilot and Head of Crew Training. In my current and previous management function I gathered mostly operational and training experience. However, my current position revealed that knowledge on finance, marketing, etc. could be improved. Lacking these important management competences was the main reason why I decided to look for a basic management programme. – Filip Aerts, AMP Class of 2022
My name is Scarlett Kogel and I’m an American national who has adopted Belgium as her second home. I live in Liège where I teach English to adult professionals at a private language school.
Many of my students are business people and I became interested in management frameworks and theories through my classes with them. At the same time, I started to feel stifled in my job because there is no room for career development. I began to look around at different executive programmes and I was attracted to the global approach of the AMP. – Scarlett Kogel, AMP Class of 2022
Q: How do you feel your competencies have evolved since the programme?
What I found really fascinating about the programme was how quickly I was able to apply the knowledge on my day-to-day, even for the matters I was less comfortable with. On other subjects, it brought new insights and grounded concepts. It's really worth to mention that the opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds bringing their perspectives and sharing their knowledge was refreshing and an absolute added value personally and professionally. – Mariana
Running through the AMP course not only broadens your knowledge on several subjects, but also gets you out of your comfort zone and boosts your confidence. Working with people from other organisations, with other backgrounds makes you look at things from a different angle. – Filip
Personally, I was immensely challenged and invigorated by the AMP programme. Some classes focused more on soft skills and provided very interesting tools for both people and project management, others necessitated a deep dive into the numbers and more concrete business fundamentals. Coming from a liberal arts background this was an entirely new perspective for me. – Scarlett
Q: Why Solvay Brussels School?
Combining business studies with a management function and family life is not easy. I did compare several business programmes, in Belgium and abroad and decided for Solvay mainly due to the courses that Solvay offers in the AMP programme. It really matched with the competences that I wanted to improve.
Secondly for me it was important that the course could be combined with my busy schedule and family life. One course a month, with some intermediate practise sessions, was tough but feasible. – Filip
Solvay is "The Reference" for business education in Belgium. It has a reputation for high academic standards and excellence. I was drawn to the diverse international backgrounds of the professors and the student body. It was an evident first choice and I am honoured to be part of the extended Solvay family. – Scarlett
I chose Solvay Brussels School because I perceive it to be a credible, notorious and well established educational institution. I was also driven by the diversity, potential quality of learning and focus on sustainability. I could confirm that both the teaching body and the support personnel met my expectations. The school is well located and facilities are also good. – Mariana
Q: Mariana, you have proceeded to continue with the Executive MBA after your Accelerated Programme completion – tell us about it!
To be honest, when I first registered in the AMP I was not at all thinking of pursing an Executive MBA. And, then I just experienced this amazing intensive journey, you get infused by the AMP's energy, your confidence is boosted and then you just want to take the next challenge. I had to take the leap!
The first semester "Management Essentials" corresponding to the AMP is definitely a key building block that sets you in the right mindset, it allows you to establish relationships, learn about the other’s way of working, experience a collaborative and non-competitive environment and get acquainted to effort required to make the most of the programme. Moreover, the quality of teaching and content, and as well the intensity of learning ensures that you are ready to embrace the full EMBA experience. - Mariana
Q: Filip and Scarlett, with AMP in your pocket, what’s next for you?
At this moment there are no concrete steps towards a career change. Broadening my knowledge was the main reason for attending the Accelerated Management Programme. Brussels Airlines being part of the Lufthansa Group might bring some new challenges in the future. – Filip
At the moment, I am starting to explore new options on the job front. I have a few ideas in mind and I am looking forward to new opportunities and new adventures. I’ll keep you posted! – Scarlett
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