Finance Pour Non-Financiers

Reinforce your managerial efficiency by acquiring the foundations of financial management.







Application deadline

Programme start:



Info session

Finance Pour Non-Financiers

18h00 - 19h30

Leading Belgian business school

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For whom?

Who is the programme aimed at?



The Finance pour Non-Financiers programme addresses people of various types, from all sectors of the economy.


The knowledge of Excel is a plus.



  • Improve your understanding of the impact your decisions will have on the financial health of your professional activity, project or company
  • Simultaneously raise your efficiency as a manager


Develop your leadership through finance

The benefits for you and your organisation.

1. A full grasp of accounting and financial operations

The programme will help you hone your ability to make decisions by incorporating financial planning theories. In addition, during the project assessment phase, you will learn to identify and manage risks and understand their potential ramifications for financial performance.


2. Complete command of financial language and concepts

The Finance pour Non-Financiers programme provides the perfect way to raise your communication skills with the finance heads of your organisation, enabling you to identify more rapidly the key financial investment issues to be tackled.


3. Financial assessment of a project and company

You will learn to incorporate your skill for identifying the components that help create value for a project based upon clear financial analysis, enabling you to assess projects or companies carrying such projects with greater accuracy.

1. Understanding financial stakes

The programme will enable you to develop a heightened sensitivity for budgets and financial indexes. You will also improve your understanding of the demands of managing financial targets and investment plans.


2. Managing financial tools

You will improve your command of financial tools and boost the financial health of your organisation by applying the best management and financial policy practices.


3. Active networking

The Finance pour Non-Financiers programme will provide you with access to an active professional network that will also open doors to other sectors.

The Programme

5 modules. 5 key stakes.


The programme is split into 5 modules of 2-3 days each. It provides a blend of theory and practice, via case studies analysed individually and in a group set-up.


The programme "Finance pour Non-Financiers" enables you to take the modules of your choice. You can therefore customise your training to your level of knowledge and requirements.


Module 1
Acquiring the Fundamentals of Financial Statement Analysis

Date: 13-14-15 February

Speaker: Mathias SCHMIT


Introduce managers and executives to the fundamental concepts of financial management: interpreting a company’s financial statements, financial planning and cash-flow statements, and conducting financial analysis.

Module 2
Making Successful Investment Decisions

Dates: 21-22 March

Speaker: Benjamin LORENT


Understand, analyse and appreciate the value created by a project deploying the maximum amount of available information, regarding the investments to be made.

Module 3
Company and Project Valuation and Financing

Dates: 11-12 April

Speaker: Laurent GHEERAERT


Understand how to evaluate and finance a project or company.

Module 4
Using Managerial Accounting and Budgeting Tools

Dates: 23-24 May

Speaker: Jean-Philippe MICHAUX


Acquire the key concepts in the field of management control and budgeting procedures, explore decision-making (especially within the contexts of investment, product portfolio outsourcing and price setting), and review the tools generally made available to managers by their finance department.

Module 5
Benefiting from Risk Management Awareness

Dates: 20-21 June

Speaker: Mathias SCHMIT


A bird's eye view of the main aspects of risk management which enable decision-makers to become conscious of its benefits to their organisation.


Seasoned practitioners, passionate about their profession.

Benjamin Lorent


Professor of Finance and Financial Accounting at SBS-EM, UMons and in France.

Mathias Schmit


Professor of Finance and Corporate Finance; Managing Director of SAGORA.

Teaching Methodology

A short and practical finance training


Real-life case studies

The programme will immerse you into an interactive teaching and learning approach based mainly on real-life case studies. Your experience and the issues that you face in your working environment will be taken into account via in-class discussions.


Practical application

Participants who have followed the entire programme have the chance to carry out an end-of-year work project in finance plan format and therefore to be awarded an university certificate. This case study will enable you to apply the knowledge acquired during the training programme and is backed up by a business plan.


Some key facts

About our participants



are between 30 and 40 years old.



hold a management position. 



are company owners (PME & SME).


What our participants say

Be part of an incredible network of 35.000+ Alumni to never stop learning and evolving. The Solvay Schools Alumni network is one of the largest business networks in Belgium, and its members are present in more than 100 countries around the world. Each year, they organise nearly 50 activities and conferences, providing you with continuing education opportunities, support for your career development, and numerous networking opportunities.

Corine Buffoni
Sales Director

"The programme is delivered in a highly interactive fashion via a very dynamic teaching style where you truly feel that you are at the real centre of a concrete and pragmatic learning experience. Light is shed upon often the most complicated economic and financial theories. As a result, I have learned to distinguish between finance accounting and incorporating the time variable into my way of doing business. I am now better prepared than I have ever been to take investment-related decisions."

John André
Operations & Supply Chain
Freelance Director
"In today's increasingly competitive economic environment, it has become imperative to make the right financial choices. I was looking for advanced, structured training that would enable me to have a clear understanding of the latest financial tools as used and recommended by the experts. I've found it!"

“We aim to help participants grasp the repercussions of their decisions on the financial health of their activity, project or company and, in so doing, improve their efficiency as managers.”


Mathias Schmit

Academic Director

More info?

Download your brochure

Learn everything there is to know about the programme before you embark on this transformation with us.


  Full curriculum
  Teaching strategies
  And more!

Finance pour Non Financiers_FNF_Solvay Lifelong Learning_Inscriptions

Apply today. Learn tomorrow.

Apply for Finance For Non-Financials! 

Take the next best step in your career and save a seat in our next cohort.  


Any questions?
I’m here to help

Still have questions about the course? I will be happy to hear from you! 

What is the price of the module?

It is possible to attend only the module or modules of your choice. Please note: you receive a 10% discount for any registration for the complete cycle (5 modules).


Price per module of your choice:

Module 1: €2,400

Modules 2 to 5: €1,600 each

All 5 modules: €8,800 

A discount of 10% is applied on the complete cycle (5 modules).


All prices mentioned include registration fees, educational materials, and catering.

How can I finance my training?


  • Ruling: Your tuition fees may be recognised by the Belgian authorities as professional expenses and could therefore be eligible for a deduction under personal income tax (IPP) and corporate tax (ISOC). This potential tax saving could cover up to 25% of your tuition fees. For more information, please contact us or visit the SPF website.


Subject to renewal of the regional agreements

  • Brussels region - Educational Subsidy: Self-employed, or employee working for SME in Brussels, under certain conditions, are entitled to an Educational Subsidy. You have to submit the subsidy application within 30 days of the start of the programme/module/course. (for more information: Economie-Emploi)

  • Flanders region - SME Wallet: The SME e-wallet is oriented towards practitioners of ‘liberal professions’ and SMEs whose operational headquarters are located in the Flemish Region. You have to submit the subsidy application within 14 days of the start of the programme/module/course. (for more information: VLAIO)