Executive Programme en
Management et Philosophies

10 days of philosophical reflection designed for leaders.







Application deadline

Programme start:



Info session

Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies

18h00 - 19h00

Leading Belgian Business School

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Who is this training for?



The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies requires certain predispositions. Curiosity and a certain boldness are essential if you are to embrace the philosophical questioning approach as a manager.

Training Objectives

  • Returning to the roots of leadership by inviting you to practice philosophical questioning.
  • Strengthen your ability to act for the community and establish a leadership style that combines personal alignment, responsibility and ethics.

Teaching Methodology

Our Teaching Approach

The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies is designed to encourage you to ask deep questions. It invites you to transcend your certainties and the models commonly accepted in the economic world and in our society at large, to cultivate your ability to think for yourself and against pre-established patterns.
The aim is to help you develop free and enlightened thinking.

What should we do if we fail? How do we know if a decision is right? How can we reconcile ecology and economics?


The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies helps you to hone your critical thinking skills and your ability to make deeply rooted decisions, so that you can take action, even in unstable contexts.

The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies helps you to better understand the way in which philosophy asks questions. It's about questioning concepts and words with rigour and relevance to sharpen your reading of the situations you encounter, beyond the purely factual and quantitative aspects.

The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies is also a space for introspective reflection in line with the legacy of Socrates (the father of Western philosophy) and his famous ‘Know thyself’.


This focus on your own individuality is designed to strengthen your ability to act on behalf of the community. It also enables you to establish a leadership style that combines personal alignment, responsibility and ethics.

The programme

Content of the programme

The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies consists of ten full days, from 9 am to 5.30 pm. Each session is led by a tandem consisting of a philosopher and a leading business executive.
Day 1
What are the virtues of failure?

Speakers: Charles Pépin and Harold Boël

Date: 28 March 2025

Day 2
What is a fair decision?

Speakers: Pascal Seys and Axel Cleeremans

Date: 11 April 2025

Day 3
Thinking regulation, rules and standards in 2025.

Speakers: Benoît Frydman and Stéphanie De Bruyne

Date: 16 May 2025

Day 4
How to relate to artificial intelligence?

Speakers: Raphaël Enthoven and Olivier De Reymaeker

Date: 23 May 2025

Day 5
What position should the ideal occupy in the company?

Speakers: François Jullien and Jean-Christophe Tellier

Date: 6 June 2025

Day 6
Is it possible to reconcile freedom, nature and the economy?

Speakers: Gaspard Koenig and Laurence Bovy

Date: 27 June 2025

Day 7
How can the new feminist paradigms be a source of transformation for companies?

Speakers: Manon Garcia and Stéphan Sonneville

Date: 19 Semptember 2025

Day 8
What does time management mean?

Speakers: Pascal Chabot and Pierre Gurdjian

Date: 3 October 2025

Day 9
Should we always aim for the useful?

Speakers: Alexandre Lacroix and Philippe Leroy

Date: 17 Ocotber 2025

Day 10
To what extent can managers be creative?

Spekers: Luc de Brabandere and Jean-Paul Philippot

Date: 7 November 2025

For details of each session, download your brochure!


The programme in numbers



is the average age of the participants.



of the participants are executives.



of the participants are entrepreneurs and owners of SMEs.



of participants exercise a liberal profession.


What our participants say

Christine Thioux
ATH & Associates
“My job pushes me to continually question myself. My clients are managers of multinationals and owners of SMEs. For many years I have observed that more and more of them are in search of meaning. They seek to know what their usefulness is and how they can help businesses and the world evolve in a more positive way.

The great wealth of the Executive Programme en Management & Philosophies is to bring together recognised top managers – often people who are not very available, or even untouchable – and renowned philosophers to have them debate without taboo. In my opinion, it is the first training which combines deep questions of philosophy, those of ethics, the meaning of life... with those of management and pure economic issues, to invite us to rethink our practices and to make ourselves more creative.

Beyond the year of study, a dynamic of constructive and continuous critical thinking is initiated. This is not at all training for utopians. It’s a unique programme, very pragmatic, closely connected to the reality on the ground.
Frédéric Nolf
Director of Human Resources and Sustainability
“In addition to my position as HR Director, I also take care of the sustainable development program at IBA. These two aspects of my role lead me to always question the meaning of what we do. I found it important to revalidate a certain number of managerial principles from a moral and ethical point of view.

The Executive Programme en Management & Philosophies allows us to confront our thinking with philosophers rather than the formatted business world. Chatting with Luc Ferry or André Comte-Sponville offers exceptional insight into the role of the company.

This programme allowed me to progress in my thoughts, to open new avenues, to integrate new references in an economic world where the sole profit of the company is no longer enough.
Laurence Vandenbrouck
General Counsel
RTL Belgium
“In the company I work for, there is regular management training. I realised that these were crossed by the question of “how”. How to be a good boss? How to be empathetic? How to motivate your teams? It was certainly useful but something was missing for me. Making people happy at work is certainly an interesting program, but I needed to know what it was to be happy and even understand what work was.

It is to answer these metaphysical questions that I registered. It was a way of moving from how to why. During the sessions, seeds are sown in the mind, they continue to grow by initiating another look at reality.”


Developed by the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management in partnership with the non-profit organisation Philosophie & Management, the School of Management of the University of Liège - HEC, and the Louvain School of Management (UCL), the Executive Programme in Management and Philosophies enhances our ability to question our perspectives and managerial practices in order to surpass them and make better decisions.


This original and innovative approach brings personal and professional benefits, providing new tools and concepts for deciphering professional situations, as well as cultivating a personal mindset of reflection when faced with problematic situations, approaching them from new angles.

“The Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies invites you to embark on an initiatory journey guided by prominent contemporary philosophers and renowned CEOs. Philosophical inquiry, through the distance and perspective it requires, is indeed an invitation to reconnect authentically and with discernment to your fundamental role as a leader.”

Co-directeurs académiques Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies

Philippe Biltiau, Sarah Halfin, Laurent Hublet

Co-academic Directors

More info?

Download your brochure

Learn everything there is to know about the programme before you embark on this transformation with us.


  Full curriculum
  Teaching strategies
  And more!


Any Questions?

I am here to help.

Do you have any questions about training? Are you looking to discuss the realisation of your professional development plan? Feel free to reach out to me!

How do I finance my training?

Subject to renewal of the regional agreements

  • Flanders Region - SME Wallet: The SME e-wallet is oriented towards practitioners of ‘liberal professions’ and SMEs whose operational headquarters are located in the Flemish Region. You have to submit the subsidy application within 14 days of the start of the programme/module/course. (for more information: VLAIO)
Certification Awarded

At the end of this programme, you will obtain a university certificate.

Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies_PHILO_Solvay Lifelong Leaning_Apply
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Ready to push the boundaries of management thinking? Secure your spot now in our upcoming cohort!