Apprenez-en davantage sur Solvay Lifelong Learning.
Application deadline
Programme start:

- Managers et seniors managers responsables de la gestion des risques, conseillers en gestion des risques ou consultants.
- Les participants issus d'organisations du secteur public ou privé ou d'organisations non gouvernementales, y compris ceux qui n'ont pas de fonction spécifique de gestion des risques, étant donné que leur fonction et leur organisation comportent des éléments de risque.
- Entrepreneurs et dirigeants de start-ups ou de petites organisations, gérant les risques associés à la création et à la croissance de leur entreprise/organisation non gouvernementale.
Prérequis à la formation
- Maîtrise de base d'Excel
- Maîtrise de l'anglais
- Minimum 5 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans des rôles pertinents
"La gestion des risques fait partie intégrante de la gestion de votre entreprise. Une organisation qui gère ses risques et ses opportunités de manière efficace et performante a plus de chances d'atteindre ses objectifs commerciaux à des coûts globaux moindres".

David Lannoy
Intervanant, Senior Risk & Process Manager

Les meilleures pratiques en action
Comprenez et pilotez la mise en œuvre des meilleures pratiques en matière de gestion des risques et de gouvernance au sein de votre organisation.

Soyez proactif
Obtenez la boîte à outils, les compétences de leadership et la confiance nécessaires pour atténuer les risques de manière proactive dans le cadre de vos fonctions, de vos projets et de vos transformations.

Double certification
Obtenez une double certification dans le cadre de notre collaboration avec The Institute of Risk Management (IRM), permettant d'obtenir le statut de spécialiste technique (SIRM) ou le statut d'IRMCert.

Élargissez votre réseau
Rejoignez la communauté de gestion des risques de la Solvay Brussels School et le réseau de plus de 50000 anciens élèves, ainsi que le réseau mondial IRM.

Une perspective globale
Auprès d'une petite classe diversifiée (20 participants maximum), composée de professionnels et de dirigeants expérimentés, issus d'un large éventail de responsabilités, de secteurs et de pays.

Avoir une vue d'ensemble
Développez et mettez en œuvre une approche rigoureuse, globale et efficace de la gestion des risques dans les différentes disciplines et fonctions de votre organisation.

Renforcez les capacités de prise de décision en matière de risques pour optimiser les performances et la réactivité de l'entreprise.

Un leadership durable
Bénéficiez d'un accès privilégié à la recherche, au leadership éclairé et aux ressources de l'Institute of Risk Management, le principal organisme professionnel mondial pour la gestion du risque d'entreprise, et de la Solvay Brussels School-Economics & Management.
Contenu & Modules
Cette formation se distingue par une approche singulière qui intègre un apprentissage interactif au sein d'une promotion restreinte de professionnels chevronnés. Elle se caractérise par une application pratique grâce à la résolution de problèmes concrets. En outre, elle maintient une rigueur académique en proposant un programme d'études de pointe qui aborde les sujets les plus urgents d'aujourd'hui et de demain en matière de risques.
Pour découvrir tous les aspects du programme, n'hésitez pas à télécharger notre brochure.
Pour découvrir tous les aspects du programme, n'hésitez pas à télécharger notre brochure.
Module 1
L'essentiel de la gestion des risques (1/2)
Introduction à la gestion des risques et au processus de gestion des risques.
- Durée : 4 heures (en ligne)
Module 1
L'essentiel de la gestion des risques (2/2)
Le processus de gestion des risques
Le cadre de gestion des risques et l'intégration d'une culture du risque
- Durée : 4 heures (en ligne)
Module 2
L'essentiel de la gestion des risques en pratique
Le module couvre les pratiques de gestion des risques de manière complète, englobant l'identification, la définition des critères, le développement de la stratégie, l'évaluation, les indicateurs clés, les réponses et une communication efficace.
- Durée : 1 jour (sur le campus)
Module 3
Risque lié à la transition durable
Le cours couvre les notions de base du changement climatique, les défis de la transition durable, la gestion des risques dans la transition des entreprises, les critères ESG, l'analyse des scénarios du changement climatique, le rôle du gestionnaire des risques dans la transition durable, et les cadres réglementaires pour les rapports non financiers.
- Durée : 1 jour (sur le campus)
Module 4
Gestion des risques d'un projet
Module 5
Risque financier
Le rôle de la finance pour les entreprises
Principes de l'évaluation ajustée au risque en économie financière
Risque de crédit : évaluation, tarification et couverture
- Durée : 1 jour (sur le campus)
Module 6
Risque lié à la cybersécurité
Essentiels des risques informatiques et de cybersécurité
Menaces, vulnérabilités et technologies
Propriété et gouvernance
- Durée : Une demi-journée (sur le campus)
Module 8
Continuité des opérations
Principes fondamentaux de la continuité des opérations
Résilience organisationnelle
Gestion de crise
- Durée : Une demi-journée (sur le campus)
Vos intervenants
Des praticiens chevronnés, passionnés par leur métier.

Des cours interactifs
Les différents cours comprennent un ensemble d'exercices, de cas réels, de vidéos, de jeux d'entreprise et de jeux de rôle.

Un mélange d'outils et de pratique
Dans chaque module, les participants reçoivent les outils et les concepts nécessaires pour consolider leur savoir-faire en matière de gestion des risques. Cette formation est suivie de discussions ou de cas réels, d'applications pratiques, d'outils et de simulations de scénarios possibles dans lesquels un professionnel du risque peut se retrouver.
1 formation, 2 certificats
Les participants qui participent activement aux sessions et qui répondent aux critères définis par l'Institute of Risk Management (IRM) et Solvay Lifelong Learning (SLL) reçoivent 2 certificats :
- Le Certificat accrédité des principes de gestion des risques de l'IRM, permettant aux diplômés de postuler en tant que Membre Certifié de l'IRM et d'utiliser le titre de Professionnel Certifié des Risques
- Le Certificat de Participation de l'"Executive Programme in Enterprise Risk Management" délivré par SLL
Partenariat avec IRM
Nous sommes fiers de collaborer avec l'IRM, un organisme leader dans la gestion professionnelle du risque d'entreprise. L'IRM joue un rôle crucial dans la construction de l'excellence en matière de gestion des risques, contribuant ainsi à améliorer le fonctionnement des organisations. Le succès de la profession repose sur des normes élevées de qualité et d'intégrité, soutenues par les normes professionnelles rigoureuses de l'IRM.
La parole aux participants
Faites partie d’un réseau exceptionnel de plus de 35 000 alumni pour ne jamais cesser d’apprendre et d’évoluer. Le réseau Solvay Schools Alumni est l’un des plus grands réseaux d’affaires en Belgique, avec des membres présents à travers le monde. Chaque année, près de 50 événements sont organisés, offrant des opportunités de formation continue, de développement de carrière et de networking.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,Leadership,EMBA]

Izabel Medeiros
New Services Programme Director
Volvo Financial Services
"Before the MBA, I had a much more narrow perception of my abilities and myself. This has totally changed... I apply the Solvay approach to solving business cases every day in strategic programme management at Volvo Financial Services. My coursework on stakeholder management and process improvement is fundamental to my job as well."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,Leadership,EMBA]

Dietrich Moens
CEO & Co-Founder
"Apart from providing real practical tools and insights, Solvay Executive MBA professors and coaches offered in a way some consulting advice as their feedback on the assignments, as well as during class discussions and the coaching sessions, translated into directly actionable new concepts that I could apply to my startup...A lesson that I wish I had known earlier: 'Start before you are ready', enrol in the Solvay EMBA, trust yourself and others and you will be amazed by the results.'"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,Leadership,EMBA]

Anke Sieg
Global Payer Value Strategy - Asset Lead
"It is an eye-opener and provides the toolkit to become a great leader. The key is to apply them every day, going beyond your comfort zone...It was a very enriching experience to go back to school, to take some quality time for personal development and to deeply immerse myself in a new environment, new context and new personal network."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,Leadership,EMBA]

Srilakshmi Amarnath
Transformation Leader
"The Solvay Executive MBA excels at providing a holistic view of today’s business challenges and equipping us with practical solutions for addressing real-world issues."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,Leadership,EMBA]
Jarlath Lally
Global Marketing Director
Global Invacom Group
"I was looking for an emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. One of the things that struck me about Solvay Brussels School was that emphasis in the EMBA programme... A sustaining gift from the programme is that I have a strong network that has grown exponentially on the back of the contacts I made within the programme"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Finance & Tax Management]

Corine Buffoni
Sales Director
"The programme is delivered in a highly interactive fashion via a very dynamic teaching style where you truly feel that you are at the real centre of a concrete and pragmatic learning experience. Light is shed upon often the most complicated economic and financial theories. As a result, I have learned to distinguish between finance accounting and incorporating the time variable into my way of doing business. I am now better prepared than I have ever been to take investment-related decisions."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,Sustainability]

Didier Bernardi
Client Development and Go-To Market Advisory
Sustainable Business Catalyst
"My experience with the Sustainability Fundamentals was both enlightening and empowering. I now possess the tools necessary to address sustainability issues in a holistic manner, and I am excited to apply my new skills to my consulting and business practice, creating strategies that integrate sustainability considerations. This programme has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in equipping me with the skills and inspiration needed to contribute to a sustainable future."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Gaëtan Auvray
Risk Process Manager
"As a worldwide renowned construction company, BESIX attaches great importance to Risk Management. From this perspective, the programme gives a comprehensive outlook on the different disciplines involved in Enterprise Risk Management. Besides the training modules, it also gives the opportunity to exchange with the other participants on how risk management is organised in their companies and enables you to expand your global network!"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Caroline Aelvoet
Benelux Sodexo Belgium
“I hold a legal position, and I wanted to broaden my vision of the company, to better manage its components and better assist it via the opinions I give. The content of the Accelerated Management Programme attracted me because of its very rich content, its international dimension, the quality of its participants, and the fact that it was perfectly compatible with my professional life. I’ve been able to put directly into practice what I learned there as part of Sodexo's global expansion. The Accelerated Management Programme has enabled me to better understand the philosophy behind this type of evolution and communicate it in a coherent way to my team.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Marie Hurtgen
Senior Manager
SABIC Ventures
"In order to shift from a technical to a managerial position, I was looking for a general management training that was lacking in my scientific background (...).
The modules are taught by experienced people from the private sector. The Accelerated Management Programme provides you with numerous networking opportunities, an eye-opening experience on the possibilities ahead, and a sound basis in the pillars of management that I intend to develop in my career."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Finance & Tax Management]

John André
Operations & Supply Chain
Freelance Director
"In today's increasingly competitive economic environment, it has become imperative to make the right financial choices. I was looking for advanced, structured training that would enable me to have a clear understanding of the latest financial tools as used and recommended by the experts. I've found it!"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,IT]

Denisa Kurtagic
Threat Analyst
Ministry of Defense of Montenegro
"My expectations were high. I knew already that it would be something advanced but it took me by surprise how great it is to be among these top level cyber managers and experts. You get to meet a lot of people who work in the field that otherwise you wouldn’t. I get to spend time with the best of the best in the cyber world and learn a lot. Definitely worth applying for the programme. I managed to do it from Montenegro so everything is possible!"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,IT]

Siska Hallemeesch
Cyber Security Consultant - Manager
"The course was a great learning experience and it opened for me a new career opportunity in Cybersecurity. I learned a lot from the discussions and exchanges on information security topics, and I was able to build an expanded professional network to advance my career in Information Security."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Simon Coomans
Marketing Manager
“The Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communications course offers a great mix of new insights and tactics, which are easy to grasp and to implement in my job. During the 17 days, I got to work closely with passionate marketers, learn the latest trends in Digital Marketing and gain the confidence to switch careers.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Olivier Dupuis
Generis Advertising Agency
“I had been hoping to flesh out a professional deployment project through my own company, and I now have some solid foundations that I can build on. The Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communication is perfectly designed for marketing and communications managers. By offering a 360° view, it allows the participants to create their own links between the various digital marketing fields, and to refine their vision. It includes a perfect balance between theory, workshops and case studies. Most of the speakers are business creators or managers of business units, who share their passion, know-how, and vision with talent and generosity.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Philippe Buyle
Head of Digital
JCDecaux Belux
“The Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communication is a comprehensive programme bringing together a panel of academic leaders and renowned speakers. It provides a current and global vision of the evolution of the 2.0 enterprise. It has allowed me to gain more confidence in my daily work, and to integrate numerous references, working methods and marketing tools necessary to approach the digital transformation in a thoughtful way.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Chiara Gasparotto
Deputy CEO
"I grew within the organisation I work for, and I have been given the great responsibility and pleasure to become the director of one of our units. The Executive Master in International Association Management definitely gave me the vocabulary and principles I needed. It changed my job and my vision of it, helping me to better work on the creation of value and the engagement of volunteers."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Loredana Simulescu
Executive Director
Biomedical Alliance in Europe
"Thanks to the Executive Master in International Association Management, I learned and put into practice key theoretical concepts which make the foundation of a strong management of associations. The case studies covering important topics offered me the possibility to transfer the knowledge into my daily work. Also, the master is a unique opportunity to meet peers and build strong connections with leaders from various disciplines and sectors in the world of nonprofit associations."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Jan Lichota
Manager Association Bureau
"The Executive Master in International Association Management helps us to acquire vital in-association governance tools. From member management and the judicial landscape to the latest HR trends, the training offered gives you a full overview of the most recent shifts in the association sector, the position currently assumed by communication, the part played by psychology within the organisation, and the complications created by often conflicting interests.
The programme also underlines the importance of leaders in such a set-up. For relatively inexperienced association leaders or those hailing from the corporate world, the Executive Master in International Association Management provides a one-off chance to update their knowledge of the area."
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Biotech & Medtech Management]

Scott Russell
Biotech & Medtech ventures
"Life sciences is a very complex journey whether you're in the biotech or the medtech space. But actually understanding what the process is, the risks to avoid, the steps to take...has been a very eye opening process. And then coupled with that, actually meeting people in the industry that are very willing to support us on that journey [has] been amazing."
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Biotech & Medtech Management]

Ysabella Yennes
Graduate Development Programme - UCB
"Being a woman, scared that I was too young and inexperienced, and also not having any economics background to join the programme were my fears. And then when I interviewed to enter the Master's, I listed my fears and they reassured me and said I wasn't the only woman in the programme, also, the fact that I had no economics background was not important because the point of it was to learn. So I definitely learned a lot...You learn, and in the end, the important thing is building your future. So I've learned so much."
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Biotech & Medtech Management]

Shahin Satouf
Healthcare Business consultant
"We gain a lot of experience, really, from our fellow students, because each of them, has their own experience and project. So we get more insight and more inspirational stories!"
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Financial Markets]

Justyna Kaminska
Financial Markets
"I chose Solvay because of the location, the design of the programme, and the field visits that were very appealing. In my opinion, the Advanced Master in Financial Markets leads to any job within the MNAIP or VC. However, from my personal perspective, you are also very well prepared for any job within the banking industry."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Adline Lewuillon
Congress Operations Senior Manager
"The Executive Master in International Association Management offers a unique combination of theoretical concepts widely supported by practical case studies. The Solvay professors bring their invaluable insight (and sense of humour), and join forces with association experts. Together, they cover all key elements of international association management, and help you bring this deep strategic knowledge to the practical field."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Raquel Izquierdo de Santiago
Managing Director
"After almost 3 years in a managerial position within an association, I was looking to learn something new but also gather feedback on my way of working and identify ways of doing things better. The Executive Master in International Association Management provided the perfect fit for my professional situation. Our association is relatively small in size and I am involved in a large number of projects therein, from governance to finance, as well as event organisation. The programme successfully covers all these bases in a truly comprehensive manner."
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Financial Markets]
Panos Marinis
Senior Risk Analyst
Goldman Sachs
“Apart from a robust knowledge of how financial markets work, my communication skills have been improved by interacting with colleagues from all over the world. The fact that our coursework resembled the tasks that I was later given in my professional life was essential for a successful transition from my academic life.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Financial Markets]

Galib Akash
Structured Finance Associate
“Coming to Solvay, meeting different people and enthusiastic professors who are looking to help candidates at a personal level helped me not only improve my finance knowledge but also change my approach, helping me secure a full-time job in investment banking. The reputation and the rigorous curriculum of the programme proved to be a key factor in my interviews as I was able to display my finance abilities and understanding of the current state of matters in the industry.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Financial Markets]

Julie Van Eeckhout
Financial Analyst
National Bank of Belgium
“The programme prepares you in the best possible way to enter the job market and this is also helped by the career coaching service, the interesting field visits and the networking possibilities. My job opportunities were much broader after this advanced master. It definitely helped me get a job right away at the European Central Bank.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Innovation & Strategic Management]

Dimitra Pappa
Senior Account Executive
“I will always feel grateful to Solvay as it pushed me to reinvent myself. Coming from a different background, I knew the programme would be a steep climb, however, my professors inspired me and helped me apply my core strengths to the field of Strategy and Innovation. Midway through this journey, I realised that I wasn't just coping with the courses...I had actually developed a passion for the field..."
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Innovation & Strategic Management]

Romain Jeannaud
Transversal Strategist
BNP Paribas Fortis
“The Advanced Master programme is a blend of everything you need to start a career in business. The focus on directly actionable knowledge makes the learning curve very steep but also very enjoyable. You will be challenged and you will like it.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Innovation & Strategic Management]

Benita Lukusa
Social Entrepreneur
“What makes this programme stand out is the school's international and multicultural environment and the fact that our lecturers are people with outstanding experiences.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Innovation & Strategic Management]

Yan Christiaens
Senior Consultant
Roland Berger
“To be prepared to enter your professional life, you need the best education and a curious mindset that can help you face this path and make it as enjoyable as possible. After a few months, I can say that Solvay Brussels School with its teachers is the best choice that I could make. The atmosphere, the network and all the people studying there are very friendly and always eager to help. A tremendous year on both personal and professional development.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Advanced Masters]
[Innovation & Strategic Management]

Laurens Boeckx
Project Manager Digitalisation
“Apart from the countless group projects, presentations and company visits, the programme has allowed me to develop essential entrepreneurial abilities, master key managerial concepts and build the right team-player mindset to cope with a continuously changing environment. I’ve had the honour to be carefully guided in creating my own venture with a fellow student, to lead a group-based three-month internship at a fast-growing digital marketing scale-up in Brussels and to be part of a consulting project for EY. ”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Olivia Dejonghe
Associate Consultant
BAIN & Company
"The training has been essential for our office to create a common understanding of sustainability and help us integrate sustainability into all our work. Even though I have a background in environmental science, this course was really enlightening. Not only did it refresh some of the basic principles behind climate change, biodiversity, etc., but it also provided very relevant perspectives on public and private ESG governance through specific sessions, case studies and guest speakers. Insightful!"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Olivier Gillerot
BAIN & Company
"Sustainability is on the agenda of all our clients today. To have meaningful and impactful discussions on the topic, many people lack the basic required knowledge though. The Sustainability 101 course does provide this basic knowledge and also offers a robust framework to think forward and act systemically on ESG issues. The course combines a solid academic background with action-oriented experience sharing. Also, it gives access to a rich set of data, literature and analysis on the topic. The course is a great minimum level setting for everybody who is concerned by the societal challenge of our world. And who would not be?"
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Digital Transformation,EPBA]

Nicolas De Mot
Global & EU Payer Strategy Lead
"I studied chemistry and the scientific approach is very important to me (gathering and analysing data, defining models, creating insights, etc.) But when I started working in management I wanted something more actionable. And for me the programme in business analytics was the best way to combine these two things: getting the scientific approach and the business impact that you can create. It gives you a broad view of what business analytics can be: the different tools, the different technologies, the right connections and how to leverage that in your own company."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Digital Transformation,EPBA]

Stanislas Fransman
Business Data Analyst - Data Governance Officer
"I had very little experience with more advanced analytics, so for me, the programme is an eye opener on the potential of this discipline. And more particularly it helped me to work better together with data scientists as I have now a better understanding of their language."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Digital Transformation,EPBA]

Nicolas Claus
Global BI & Analytics Manager
"The programme covers a very large scope. Solvay gathered all the specialists and subject-matter experts around each of the areas in this programme and that makes it very interesting. As an IT manager, I now better understand the different contexts and interests in the other domains such as data analytics, marketing or business."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Richard Rose
Risk & Customs Compliance Manager
Porsche Cars GB Ltd
"I attended the Solvay School of Economics Enterprise Risk Management Programme to further my knowledge of Risk Management as a new Risk Manager. The training was very well organised and conducted by recognised lecturers in the subject who relayed a wealth of experience and knowledge, delivered in a manageable and structured format. I have been able to adopt all aspects of the course and successfully integrate them, which importantly has developed the Risk Culture in the business. I would recommend the course to other professionals looking to gain further knowledge of Risk Management and how to put it into practice."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Yvain Cornet
Pulsaart by AGC
The empowerment of my team increased! So much in fact that my boss and other teams joined the program as well to get the same result.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Magali Carlier
Talent & Learning Manager
Week after week, I saw myself transforming and adopting new habits. I handle things more peacefully today and I am more available for my team members. The team manages things more peacefully as well and is now able to take a step back to better analyse things.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Olivier Leblanc
HR Director
This course is a gift. You become another person at the end of the course. You actually better cope with all the changes and feel better. This course is part of our recurrent programmes to shift our culture.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Digital Transformation]

Freddy H.
Information & Cybersecurity Manager
Ah, Solvay, the best investment. There's a lot of talk about digital transformation, but the real transformation isn't there. Solvay is a force that transforms your world: there's a before and an after to Solvay!
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,EMM]

Hakima Darhmouch
"I wanted to acquire new skills, particularly in finance, to complete my training in communication. I turned to the Executive Master in Management for its practical side, in particular thanks to the case studies which constitute an immersion in the life of the company in terms of strategy, market positioning, marketing choices and pricing policy...They allow us to evaluate our ability to identify solutions and opportunities and make decisions.
We live in a world that forces us as managers to develop and share a vision, a guideline. The Executive Master in Management provides the keys to building this global vision."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,EMM]

Benjamin Windal
Chief Strategy and Innovation
"The Executive Master in Management has considerably enriched my range of skills and knowledge, both in the field of finance and the digitalisation of businesses, as well as in marketing and leadership.
At the same time, I was able to create a dynamic and supportive network of contacts during this training. We know we can contact each other for questions that arise during the career.
Finally, and what is most important to me, this training opened my mind: today I am constantly looking for feedback in order to develop and perfect my role as a manager."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management,EMM]

David Fortems
LS Service Director
"To continue to develop and evolve in a rapidly changing world, it is essential to train. The Executive Master in Management program was, for me, the best way to broaden my skills. The case method used is very interactive and collaborative. It allows everyone to argue, react, interact, and above all to open up to other areas of skills. Challenge, personal development, rigor, excellence, quality of courses... all These words sum up the Executive Master in Management."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Christophe Severs
Senior Vice-President, Strategy
"When you have 15 years of experience, you learn through action, rather than in books. The Executive Master in Management is based on a method dedicated to practice and supervised by excellent lecturers, all active on the market. Some of the presentations by lecturers are simply brilliant. My reading grid of complex matters linked to business management has evolved, as has the way in which I lead my teams. I have also been able to develop my sensitivity to communication aspects and HR."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Marielle Rogie
Head of Communication and Marketing
Brussels Airport Company
"I wanted to progress in my career, by enriching my financial and economic background in the broad sense. A manager must quickly understand the issues that concern his organisation, get to the essential, demonstrate critical thinking and, above all, recover in question when necessary. The Executive Master in Management helps us to integrate this dimension, to take a step back from our role. The training gave me a taste for team management."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Finance & Tax Management]

Bastiano Ranalli
Lawyer Estate Planning
"By enrolling in the Executive Master in Tax Management, I was able to acquire considerable and in-depth tax knowledge while working at the same time. The practical and transversal learning as well as the experienced, specialised, and above all very accessible teaching staff allowed me to acquire the reflexes necessary to practice my profession as a tax lawyer.
The Executive Master in Tax Management allowed me to complete my civil training in law and notarial science and to acquire in-depth knowledge in all aspects of taxation, while developing a network and opportunities."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Finance & Tax Management]

Chloé Godfroid
Tax Lawyer
Harvest Law Firm
"The Executive Master in Tax Management allowed me to have a global and transversal vision of taxation, which I lacked when I finished my master's degree. The training helped me to be rigorous and organised in my profession and to have good reflexes in my daily practice. From a personal point of view, the Executive Master in Tax Management also means great encounters and a close-knit and diverse group, which helps each other not only in the training but also in our respective practices."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[Finance & Tax Management]

Erel Cavit
ECE Accountancy & Tax
"Knowing and mastering each subject of taxation had become obvious if I wanted to professionally reach a very high level. The Executive Master in Tax Management allows me to remain competitive on a professional level. If I want to remain credible in taxation in in general and in expertise in particular, I must stay up to date and always add more arrows to my bow. The conference managers also push us in this direction by encouraging us to be creative in order to solve all types of cases. "
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Yeba Olayé
”This programme was a real asset to get me started. I not only received an effective toolbox to think about my project in a solid way. I was able to benefit from practical advice and tailor-made coaching which allowed me to develop a clear vision of my project as well as a clear understanding of my strengths. This training marked the beginning of my entrepreneurial adventure. Being part of a network as stimulating and active as the Solvay Entrepreneurs network allows me to advance successfully at each stage.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Roxane & Agathe Gernaert
Knees to Chin
"We come out of this training with new objectives and equipped with the necessary tools to achieve them! Nothing is more enriching than being surrounded by other entrepreneurs, it allows us to create links, share and learn a lot through the experiences of each."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Patrick Menache
CEO & Founder
Macnash Associates
”This programme has established important milestones in my journey as an entrepreneur. The speakers taught me what mistakes not to make. When we want to create an association, we sometimes suffer from a lack of realism, we miss things that we refuse to see. I stay in touch with Solvay veterans and, very often, they call me for an opinion. I attach a lot of importance to this relationship of trust.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Catherine Pleeck
Good Stories
“We have all the tools to have enough confidence in ourselves, in our project and also ensure that the risks are limited to get started correctly. That allowed me to get started and still be here after several years.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Christine Thioux
ATH & Associates
“My job pushes me to continually question myself. My clients are managers of multinationals and owners of SMEs. For many years I have observed that more and more of them are in search of meaning. They seek to know what their usefulness is and how they can help businesses and the world evolve in a more positive way.
The great wealth of the Executive Programme en Management & Philosophies is to bring together recognised top managers – often people who are not very available, or even untouchable – and renowned philosophers to have them debate without taboo. In my opinion, it is the first training which combines deep questions of philosophy, those of ethics, the meaning of life... with those of management and pure economic issues, to invite us to rethink our practices and to make ourselves more creative.
Beyond the year of study, a dynamic of constructive and continuous critical thinking is initiated. This is not at all training for utopians. It’s a unique programme, very pragmatic, closely connected to the reality on the ground.”
The great wealth of the Executive Programme en Management & Philosophies is to bring together recognised top managers – often people who are not very available, or even untouchable – and renowned philosophers to have them debate without taboo. In my opinion, it is the first training which combines deep questions of philosophy, those of ethics, the meaning of life... with those of management and pure economic issues, to invite us to rethink our practices and to make ourselves more creative.
Beyond the year of study, a dynamic of constructive and continuous critical thinking is initiated. This is not at all training for utopians. It’s a unique programme, very pragmatic, closely connected to the reality on the ground.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Frédéric Nolf
Director of Human Resources and Sustainability
“In addition to my position as HR Director, I also take care of the sustainable development program at IBA. These two aspects of my role lead me to always question the meaning of what we do. I found it important to revalidate a certain number of managerial principles from a moral and ethical point of view.
The Executive Programme en Management & Philosophies allows us to confront our thinking with philosophers rather than the formatted business world. Chatting with Luc Ferry or André Comte-Sponville offers exceptional insight into the role of the company.
This programme allowed me to progress in my thoughts, to open new avenues, to integrate new references in an economic world where the sole profit of the company is no longer enough.”
The Executive Programme en Management & Philosophies allows us to confront our thinking with philosophers rather than the formatted business world. Chatting with Luc Ferry or André Comte-Sponville offers exceptional insight into the role of the company.
This programme allowed me to progress in my thoughts, to open new avenues, to integrate new references in an economic world where the sole profit of the company is no longer enough.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Laurence Vandenbrouck
General Counsel
RTL Belgium
“In the company I work for, there is regular management training. I realised that these were crossed by the question of “how”. How to be a good boss? How to be empathetic? How to motivate your teams? It was certainly useful but something was missing for me. Making people happy at work is certainly an interesting program, but I needed to know what it was to be happy and even understand what work was.
It is to answer these metaphysical questions that I registered. It was a way of moving from how to why. During the sessions, seeds are sown in the mind, they continue to grow by initiating another look at reality.”
It is to answer these metaphysical questions that I registered. It was a way of moving from how to why. During the sessions, seeds are sown in the mind, they continue to grow by initiating another look at reality.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Eugénie Mennig
Participant 22-23
Executive Programme in Future-Proof Real Estate
"The integrated project of the Executive Programme in Future-Proof Real Estate was an incredibly enriching experience. Not only did it allow me to put the theoretical courses into practice, but it also made me aware of the existing constraints for implementing new perspectives and approaches in the field. The constant dialogue with different stakeholders, each bringing their own expertise, has been a real source of inspiration and learning.
Thanks to the evolution of our integrated project, I had the opportunity to explore and understand different aspects of real estate development throughout the year. This immersion allowed me to develop essential skills, both professionally and personally."
Thanks to the evolution of our integrated project, I had the opportunity to explore and understand different aspects of real estate development throughout the year. This immersion allowed me to develop essential skills, both professionally and personally."
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Bernard Van Dieren
Participant 22-23
Executive Programme in Future-Proof Real Estate
“The Executive Programme in Future-Proof Real Estate equipped me with knowledge, confidence and contacts in the sector. Concretely, this allowed me to personally study several real estate development projects and to initiate different approaches to acquire land suitable for the development of mixed and innovative projects.
This training is essential for any real estate professional wishing to contribute to the current transformation of the sector. It offers both access to an unrivaled professional network and the opportunity to meet very high quality speakers.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
[General Management]

Isabelle Linkens
Executive Director of the Lobbes, Nivelles and Tubize sites
CHU Helora
“It is both dynamic and intense training which allowed me to better understand hospital operations. We start again from the study of organisations by quickly delving into the specificities linked to healthcare institutions, both in the financial, organisational, qualitative and managerial areas. A sample of the Belgian hospital world is represented both in the teaching staff and among the participants, leaving a prominent place for the multidisciplinary approach.”
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Lionel Dieu
Fund Manager
EDFI Management Company
I‘ve picked the programme in People Leadership to have a little bit more of a theoretical background and to get the keys and concepts on how to lead, motivate and coach colleagues and people who are part of my team so we can reach common goals together.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Claire Bernard
Head of Talent Acquisition
What I found super interesting in the People Leadership Programme is that it's a perfectly balanced mix between theory and concepts and also practical cases and knowledge and experience sharing. I, of course, like, the fact that both trainers come from the private/public world, which makes it for me more interesting and relevant. Also, the rhythm of the education is adapted to professional life.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Adrien Dufour
Managing Director
Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge
I discovered a transformative approach to reputation during the programme. The experience showed me that reputation is much more than a catchy logo or slogan; it's the imprint you leave on the minds of your customers, partners and employees. Many thanks to the coordinators, passionate experts and inspiring participants who made this training an unforgettable human adventure.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Elisabeth Van Damme
External Communication & Governmental Affairs Director
The Executive Programme en Gestion de la Reputation perfectly combines theory, practice and inspiring testimonials from renowned personalities. Thanks to this course, I was able to deepen my knowledge and develop new skills.
I would highly recommend this incredibly rewarding programme to anyone wishing to acquire solid expertise in reputation management. The courses are captivating, relevant and offer real added value for career progression. Translated with (free version)
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Anouk Renard
Ayres Propreties
The Executive Programme in Future-Proof Real Estate has had a significant impact on my professional life. This programme has enabled me to master the concepts of sustainable real estate, making me more confident in advising my clients and helping them build sustainable buildings.
As a business leader, my vision has evolved. I now have a better understanding of economic, environmental, and social issues, which allows me to better support property developers in their projects and effectively guide them in constructing sustainable and high-quality buildings.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Jean-Paul Guarrera
The Executive Master in Management (EMM) has profondly impact my personal and professional life. As an electronics engineer and founder of my own company, Conceptualize, I enrolled in the EMM following an unsuccessful fundraising attempt to gain deeper insights into my mistakes.
An engineering role demands rigour and precision, while a managerial position requires adaptability. The greatest challenge is reconciling these two approaches. The EMM has guided me through this transformation with training in essential soft skills and management techniques tailored to today's dynamic business environment.
Previously a highly directive leader, I have evolved into a more collaborative one, embracing generational shifts. This programme has sharpened my skills in financial management and marketing, reshaping my perspective on the market. The EMM has broadened my horizons and successfully revitalised my business ventures.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Djaouida Chatem
Finance and Supply Chain Manager
Thanks to the Executive Master in Management, I've strengthened my resilience, developed active listening skills, and learned to take a step back. This has made me more aware of societal and human issues.
The "méthode des cas" was the highlight of the programme, providing a cross-disciplinary approach to the subjects studied while reflecting on real-world professional challenges we face daily. This is what enhances the Executive Master in Management!
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Borja Bosch
Senior Manager of Financial Services
The Executive MBA programme was a transformative experience for me, fundamentally changing who I am and helping me become a better version of myself. With my technical background, I initially had a narrow perspective; the programme equipped me with the tools and insights to broaden my view and understand the intricacies of business and strategic decision-making.
One of the most valuable lessons I learned was the importance of leading by example. If you want to drive change, it must start with yourself. The Executive MBA emphasises critical thinking and a pragmatic approach to learning, which are crucial for effective leadership.
The international scope of the programme, combined with the real-world experience of the faculty, provided a comprehensive understanding of global markets and strategic considerations. This has been instrumental in helping me identify new market opportunities and stay ahead in my career.
Overall, the Executive MBA has not only enhanced my ability to manage and lead effectively but has also reinforced my commitment to lifelong learning and adapting to new challenges. It’s a powerful journey that nurtures your potential and prepares you for a broader leadership role.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Vanessa Callaert
Managing Director
I began to assess my career path and realised I was feeling stuck, unsure of how to explore new options or connect with professionals outside my industry. I lacked knowledge in areas like entrepreneurship and struggled to expand my network. Enrolling in the Executive MBA at Solvay was driven by my desire for a significant challenge and growth.
The programme's Advisory Lab, where you work on real-life business problems instead of a traditional thesis, was particularly appealing to me. It provided an opportunity to tackle complex, real-world issues and contribute meaningfully to solving them.
The Executive MBA programme was instrumental in my transition from a background in finance, administration, and HR to a managing director role. It helped me develop essential skills like leadership and working under pressure. The experience made me more confident and resourceful, significantly changing my approach to business challenges. I’m no longer easily impressed or intimidated by complex issues, and I’ve become more aware of the resources at my disposal.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Yeliz Kartal Brackman
Kolonya Carré
The Solvay Executive MBA gave me a profound understanding of what real sustainability means. The entrepreneurial classes greatly expanded my horizons, especially with their focus on sustainability and environmentalism.
I used to think that finance and environmental friendliness couldn’t coexist, but the programme showed me otherwise. It provided a solid foundation for achieving financial success while remaining environmentally responsible.
This new perspective inspired me to integrate sustainability into my company and develop a new line that aligns with both economic and environmental goals.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Dominique Maeck
K-Trans Logistics
I had the great privilege of following the Executive Master in Management, and it was an incredible experience that transformed not only my career, but also my personal life. If you're looking to take your career to the next level, I can't encourage you enough to enrol!
This programme is a unique opportunity to develop your strategic skills thanks to an innovative teaching approach, rooted in the reality of managerial challenges. Every aspect of the programme, from case studies to seminars, to the creation of a business plan, has given me a global and practical vision of leadership.
But that's not all: in addition to my skills, I've had the chance to forge strong human relationships with my fellow participants on the programme. The exchanges, mutual support and shared emotions have enriched this experience immeasurably. I've built up a real professional and personal network.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Albane Lairesse
Spokesperson and press officer
Reputation is a strategic issue for every business. This training, with its enriching exchanges and renowned experts, provided me with new perspectives on managing this essential aspect. Through theory, current case studies, and inspiring interventions from professionals like Fabrice Brillon and Muriel Delatour, I could develop my expertise confidently.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Luca Pavone
PR & Brand Experience Manager,PR & Brand Experience Manager
Kia Belgium
The programme is expertly designed, offering deep insights into digital marketing through courses led by true professionals and industry experts. What made the experience even more valuable was the diversity of my fellow students. Engaging with peers from various countries and industries added a unique perspective, making the learning experience even more rewarding.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Romain Bertrand
Press & Communications Officer
Orange/VOO/Be TV
This programme literally upgraded my marketing game. Its blend of theory and practice allowed me to immediately apply concepts in my role at Orange/VOO/Be tv. I appreciated the diversity of subjects—strategy, digitalisation, sustainability, and innovation—providing a global vision of marketing adapted to today’s challenges. The connections I made and the hands-on projects helped me sharpen my skills and expand my professional network. It’s an essential programme for anyone looking to lead in the marketing industry.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Delphine Beckers
Campaign Marketeer
I am delighted to have participated in this Executive Master at Solvay. An interesting mix of speakers coming from both the academic and professional world, assures a nice teaching balance. The cases presented and the experiences shared are inspiring and give you the feeling to grow and evolve in the constantly moving world of marketing and digital tools. Exchanges with other participants surely contribute to the richness of the programme.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]
Jonathan Jacoby
Chief Innovation & Data Officer
Following the Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Sustainable Strategies was an enriching experience that blended high-quality academic content with practical real-world cases. The opportunity to interact informally with instructors during shared lunches provided valuable professional insights.
[Advanced MBA]
[Executive Education]

Michaël Deblon
Client Director
Dentsu Benelux
The programme combines theory and practice with concrete cases that can be directly applied in the workplace. The ‘full-day’ format is particularly suited for professionals, allowing them to balance work, personal life, and learning effectively. It is an undeniable asset for my professional development and my career in the coming years.

Gaëtan Auvray
Risk Process Manager
"En tant qu'entreprise de construction de renommée mondiale, BESIX attache une grande importance à la gestion des risques. De ce point de vue, le programme donne une vue d'ensemble des différentes disciplines impliquées dans la gestion des risques de l'entreprise. Outre les modules de formation, il donne également l'occasion d'échanger avec les autres participants sur la manière dont la gestion des risques est organisée dans leur entreprise et vous permet d'élargir votre réseau mondial !"

Richard Rose
Risk & Customs Compliance Manager
Porsche Cars GB Ltd
"J'ai participé à l'Executive Programme in Enterprise Risk Management de la Solvay School of Economics afin d'approfondir mes connaissances en matière de gestion des risques en tant que nouveau manager des risques. La formation était très bien organisée et menée par des conférenciers reconnus dans le domaine, qui ont transmis une richesse d'expérience et de connaissances, dans un format accessible et structuré. J'ai pu adopter tous les aspects du cours et les intégrer avec succès, ce qui a permis de développer la culture du risque au sein de l'entreprise. Je recommanderais ce cours à d'autres professionnels désireux d'acquérir des connaissances plus approfondies sur la gestion des risques et sur la manière de la mettre en pratique.

Aides financières
- Early bird : Les candidatures soumises avant la fin de la date du Early Bird bénéficieront d'une réduction sur les frais d’inscription.
- Les alumni de Solvay Brussels School, Solvay Lifelong Learning, Université libre de Bruxelles et Vrije Universiteit Brussel bénéficient d’une réduction de 10% sur les frais d’inscription.
- Ruling : Vos frais de scolarité peuvent être considérés par l’administration belge comme des frais professionnels et, par conséquent, être éligibles à une déduction à l’IPP et à l’ISOC. Cette économie fiscale peut représenter jusqu’à 25 % des frais de scolarité. Pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous ou consultez le site du SPF.
Sous réserve de renouvellement des agréments régionaux
- Région bruxelloise - Prime Formation : Les indépendants ou les salariés travaillant dans une PME (dont le siège d'exploitation est établie dans l'une des 19 communes bruxelloises) ont droit, sous certaines conditions, à une prime formation. La demande de subvention doit être soumisedans les 30 jours suivant le début du programme/module/cours. (Plus d'informations : Economie-Emploi)
- Région flamande - KMO Portefeuille : Le KMO Portefeuille s’adresse aux praticiens des « professions libérales » et aux PME dont le siège d'exploitation est situé en Région Flamande. La demande de subvention doit être soumise dans les 14 jours suivant le début du programme/module/cours. (Plus d'informations : VLAIO)
- Région wallonne - Chèques formations : Destinés aux salariés et travailleurs indépendants à temps plein ou partiel d'une PME comptant au maximum 250 salariés. La demande de subvention doit être soumise dans les 14 jours suivant le début du programme/module/cours. (Plus d'informations : Forem).
Certificat décerné
À l'issue de ce programme, vous obtiendrez une attestation de participation.